Thursday, 29 October 2015

Colleen Lynn and are failing dismally?

Wait a minute I'm a bit confused so it's's 8th birthday and they have just under 4,500 supporters but they're claiming to be acting in the interests of the "silent" majority?

Considering the post announcing their birthday has been up for  two weeks and only has 36 likes and one share I'd say their majority is not silent it's non existent?

Colleen Lynn and Merrit Clifton are using naive victims and pit bulls to gain their five minutes of fame which is clearly coming to an end...

Today my nonprofit,, turned 8-years old. I want to thank all of my friends and colleagues for your support and helping to make this possible! Our 8th Birthday post also lists the key benchmarks in the last 12-months. There are many! and victims' advocacy groups are making an impact across the country!
The blog tracks U.S. dog bite fatalities, dog bite statistics, severe pit bull attacks, breed-specific dangerous dog laws and dog bite victims' issues.
36 people like this.
Mike Drabik Congratz Colleen! You done good work! Keep doing it!
Colleen Lynn Thank you!!!!!!!! So much!!!!!!!!!!!!
Craig Brown This calls for cake..
Colleen Lynn A giant, lovely cake!!!!!!!
Harve Morgan I want to thank you, Colleen Lynn. I thought I knew my shit until I found DBO, and I think you labeled me as a pit nutter in the beginning. I think now I am the luckiest person on this earth because of all those pits I have picked up as strays and nothing happened to me. I'm not like those who think their experience extends to everyone, I know and knew better. You opened my eyes, thanks again.
Colleen Lynn You are so welcome!!!!!!!
Kory Nelson Congratulations Colleen & ALL of her supporters! I distinctly remember praying for someone like Colleen to come along to make the difference that so greatly needed. Before, only the pit bull advocates had a voice - their lies were being unchallenged. Colleen's pain and agony from her own attack has led to the saving of countless lives, preventing horrible maulings of children, of senior citizens, and other domesticated animals. It is impossible to calculate the huge impact she (and all her supporters) have made. If you know a victim, or someone who was saved from being a victim, please donate to with your treasures $!
Colleen Lynn Thank you so much Kory Nelson! We have come a long way in 8-years!
Martha Retallick Keep speaking truth to power!
Linda Williams Keep up the fight Colleen. This is such a tough battle - so many people in denial of the facts. It's always; "But MY dog would never do that." It seems like changing the laws is almost easier and quicker than changing people's minds. Love you and your passion; stay strong.
Colleen Lynn Thank you Linda Williams! Though the task of changing laws is arduous -- changing minds is tougher!
Martha Retallick That's the crux of the problem, Linda. Too many people think that their dog is SO wonderful. And how could it ever do anything wrong?
Joanna McGinn you scare the panties off the PB advocates 'cuz they can't really have an argument against you... just ad hominem crap... LOL

Joanna McGinn is living some sort of delusion if she truly believes that an ex failed phone psychic is scaring anyone when it comes to making an impact on the whole of America wake up and smell the roses Joanna 4,500 people after 8 years of campaigning her propaganda and having 700 people out of a population of 307,000,000 talking about this page can not be called having an impact?

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Lesley Karen Luscombe try actually reading some of the mountains of information discrediting both Colleen and Merrit and their disinformation you're living their lie and you know it and most of the world knows it too?

Lesley Karen Luscombe *

'Dogsbite is discredited', they cry.

"Prove it", I reply.


*enter the Gloat-face* smile emoticon


About 3,000 results (0.47 seconds)


The fact is has little to no actual support among the animal world and/or organizations or the general public for that matter as their measly 4,500 likes after 8 years of vigorous campaigning against pit bulls quickly confirms.

These poor naive people that believe Colleens message are heading for a huge fall because it's only a matter of time now before Colleen exits the sinking ship and moves on to her next money making venture leaving them all exposed as the gullible sheep they seem to be?

more to come....

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