Thursday 15 October 2015

Lori Welbourne is behind Pit Bull Victims Awareness Day in a futile effort to save their campaign which is lost and failing.

Well it looks like the psychic, the Dj and the boobs out reporter have teamed up & created another organization supposedly intended to help victims but obviously just another outlet for all their propaganda designed to eradicate pit bulls.

Lori has been welcomed into the fold and is now attempting to reboot the "movement" alas I fear her attempts are in vein because she's using all the same info, stats, and strategies and she's using the same dancing monkey expecting a different outcome which in itself is a bit crazy.

"National Pit Bull Awareness Day" meet "National Pit Bull VICTIM Awareness Day" on October 24 smile emoticon A COUPLE OF REQUESTS:
1. Please click on Daxton's picture on the main page and read the press release if you haven't already. Please send it to the news medias in your area and encourage them to write about the victims of pit bulls - which all of our tax-paying society is. If you like writing, feel free to submit an article of your own for consideration to them. Jeff is the contact for interview requests as per the press release.
2. Please take a look through the website and look at the "Partners & Friends" listing. We are missing some of you! Please private message me if you have a website, blog or page that we can link to you that we haven't yet done.
3. Memes are coming! We had to add the date so they're all being reloaded onto the site. We obviously can't include all the victims because there are just way too many frown emoticon but we would like to include as many as possible. It's important for people to see the faces and names of victims to help them see past the impersonal statistics and grasp the gravity of this crisis. Please send me any pictures/bios you'd like included and we'll make sure to add them in. I will post an announcement when the memes page has been updated.
4. Thank you to everyone who helped on this project and to everyone who will help promote it. As we've seen with the pit bull fanatics - there's power in numbers and being vocal means being heard. Let's get noisy smile emoticon
Representing more than 50 organizations and social media groups calling for public safety from pit bulls and increased pit bull welfare.
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 Partners and Friends

They're partners and friends list is like a role call for every pit bull hating Facebook page/group and/or blog om the internet none of which are recognized by any legitimate animal organization on the face of the earth unless you consider Peta to be legitimate. (I don't)

These people are using all the same fake stats from Merritless presented by the boobs out reporter and Boofhead they struggle to achieve legitimacy which is out of their reach because they just recycle the same old crap science fake stats and bogus theories all of which have absolutely no substance all the while totally ignoring all the victims of non banned breeds and claiming anti breed specific advocates are insensitive to victims?

The fact is this movement is not supported by one legitimate victim organization as they would never ignore victims of non banned breeds in favor of killing pit bulls these people are not victims advocates they are extremely selfish childish and very dangerous to themselves and society in general.

more to come.....

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