I figured out why dogsbite.org woman hates dogs so much!
I wish someone would say that to her now. I found out about this because the below article was in our local newspaper today if you can believe it - I couldn't find it online, but when I saw it I immediately recognized the face as the one and only woman who runs that awful website. It couldn't have been anyone but her - and she has 2 poor bichons - I feel very sorry for those dogs. They don't look very happy - they definitely need a trip to the beauty parlour.
So she obviously has a psychological disorder relating to her first job - maybe post traumatic stress disorder because her boss treated her like a dog - and she thinks that dogs are somehow worse than humans - somehow "below" humans - and she wants to be able to elevate herself above dogs - but in her head she can't because her first boss wouldn't let her - she was no better than a dog - and she just can't do it - so she's trying to have the species annihiliated - and then maybe somehow that will make her all better. Then she will be okay. Really - instead of hating this woman for what she's trying to do - we should pity her and try to get her the help she needs. And it was all there in a writing contest she won way back in 2006 and we could have been trying to get her help ever since then - what shitty friends she must have that they had that right in front of them all this time and they've never tried to help her. That is too bad. Now that some dog people know about it - maybe now she'll get the help she needs - feel free to contact her through her dogsbite website or her vainnotion website.
I may be mistaken but don't both rank among the most frequent of biters in Canada according to CHRPP? And weren't poodles considered to be one of the most frequent biters, aggressive breeds in the USA in a recent study?
Not that breed profiling is anything but a red herring for people like her to use to kill innocent dogs....
BREEDS DONT KILL OR MAIM negligent dog owners do.
I would expect a woman whose life is so ingrained with hate, feeds on it, promotes it, lives it and thrives on it, would indeed write something so demented about another human being.
I agree w/ the author and the other comments...and I do have empathy for her. She is taking-out her 'rage' and 'pain' on poor helpless creatures (because this just how she once felt!) The picture is amazing...What hatred can do to such a once beautiful, vibrant woman? I think she would benefit from psychological help (I am in the field.)
Actually, Thanks to all you Pet Owners out there who take out you aggression in a constructive ways: like exercizing, taking a nice bath or reading a good book...(even punching a pillow if you really need to.) Lets show her our "pitty" (haha)and send her this article. We should practice what we preach. Love to all you great people w/ all sorts