Sunday 28 September 2014 member attacks a community jaloney caldwell member attacks a community

Updated: June 19, 2014 Cult mirrors historical cults
Jaloney Jaloney Bologna!
We’ve given readers a familiar taste of the baloney that member “Jaloney”, aka Joan, emits with her tactics and advocating, uh-hmmm.  If you call bloody dolls and crazy eBay auctions advocating.  Or minimizing a nations tragedy in Sandy Hook.
But we’ve sat on a little tidbit that we believe most of our readers will find newsy!
You see, Jaloney has a neighbor.  And this neighbor as a dog.  And this dog might be a pit bull (we don’t know, we didn’t do any DNA testing).
How would WICLnews have this information, you ask?
We interviewed her neighbor, disclosing to them the pictures she has taken of their home, showing their dog, and discussions she has had with her cohorts at
When we approached the family, we learned several interesting tidbits that truly would indicate this woman is not only ‘over the top’ online, but in real life as well.
Let’s be clear, she’s not a housewife.  She doesn’t live in a mansion.  She doesn’t have a lot of anything but a tiny little lot with a tiny little house and a tiny little…well, we’re getting a head of ourselves.
See, here is the picture Jaloney/Joan first shared of her neighbors. member Jaloney Caldwell  What you may not realize is this picture is taken from “Jaloney/Joan’s” front yard, shooting through a chain link fence, across a two-lane residential street onto the private property of her neighbor to show that a dog resides there behind an 8-Foot security fence.
The point of her stalking?  The dog is able to climb on top of something on the neighbors private property so it can see it’s owner walking around on the other side of the fence.
Since Jaloney/Joan wasn’t able to get a good shot of the dog without her neighbor being outside to defend his privacy, she instead asked co-member Jeffrey Sloan to aid in cropping and enlarging the picture.
The group soon took up their common-stance on what to do about this contained, non-threatening pet that is on private property.  One member recommends sausage on a stick with a secret ingredient, while another member refers to the former “mole” problem he had, and suggests putting cat food out for stray cats, using them as “bait” to lure the dog over the fence and onto public property, another member goes on to recommend she put the food in her own yard and claim she had to kill the dog to protect her personal property.
Remember, this dog has done nothing but remain behind its fence contained within its own property by it seemingly responsible owner.  Yet we have a cult-like group encouraging Jaloney/Joan to take actions that would not only kill the dog, but be criminal according to state law and immoral by most any persons standards. member Jaloney Caldwell

So, you may wonder what harm can come from a picture Jaloney/Joan shared in a secret private group on Facebook, with like-minded and sick people that live nowhere near this neighborhood?
Dawn James snapped to attention front and center, doing a little editing of her own to the photo asking “911, What Are You Reporting?”  Still harmless isn’t it?  Just people stealing away another persons privacy in effort to encourage criminal behavior, but still no action has been taken.
WICLnews contacted Jaloney’s neighbor, sharing the photo’s and comments, in effort to obtain a statement as well as to alert them to the dangers that lurk just across the street.  It was our duty to inform this dog owner and we’re glad we did.
We learned that Jaloney’s neighbor, who asked that his name be withheld, has lived in the same home for almost 30 years.  Jaloney moved in about a decade after him, and immediately set a target on them.  According to Jaloney’s neighbor, there was never any real reason for the behavior, but she would often “warn” neighbors about his family.  To say the neighbor was not surprised by the actions of Jaloney may seem redundant, but they were not surprised at all.
According to family members, Jaloney decided to hand out pamphlets for Halloween one year not long ago in effort to promote breed specific legislation and warn others within the neighborhood of the dangers her neighbors dog posed.  She then went on to make claims that the neighbors child stood across the street screaming obscenities at her while she buried her own dog, a claim that the neighbors deny.
Based on the history of Jaloney’s behavior we’ve investigated and monitored over several years, we tend to give her neighbor the benefit of the doubt in this particular situation.  After all, we’ve caught Jaloney in the middle of a number of scandalous activities attached to, exposed several of her ‘far-out’ antics in other articles, and now share her own admission to being deceitful in effort to further her cult-like groups agenda. member Jaloney Caldwell

Lying; stalking; harassment; all just part of what this family has had to endure over the past two-decades.  And now, with a little help from They have the added worry of the well-being of their pet, their contained and non-aggressive pet.  From poisoning to an admission of earlier kills and burials in one members own back yard, WICLnews had the obligation to reach out to Jaloney’s neighbor in effort to protect their wellness, alert them to potential harm, and aid them in developing a paper-trail should Jaloney “Joan Kowal”  Caldwell or her cult-like co-members ever decide to use a box-cutter, poison, bow and arrows, or any other means to bring harm to a contained and unthreatening dog. member Jaloney Caldwell

If you were ever impressed with’s website, you really should start digging a little deeper, or add WICLnews to your RSS so we can keep you updated on just how psychotic and dangerous this organization is.  If they can’t get you with legislation, they’ll come after you with lawsuits, or weapons, or 12 people standing in a park speaking on a squelchy PA system to each other as people pass by without any interest.  They are a new-age cult-like group that could be the love-child of the Manson Family and Jim Jones.

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