Sunday 21 September 2014

We use the word Foamer for the pit haters

During the course of 8 years and counting there has been an organization out there advocating for the death of pit type dogs. This organization is known as and although many writers and advocates have covered the basics of what they “actually” do. It seems to fall upon deaf ears according to “Foamer” logic, is it because they think now that the blog KickinTeeth has been diminished that we the pro pit bull advocates are no longer a strong voice?
I do have some fabulous news for our pro pit bull advocates. I am one of those writers from KickingTeeth, and I will rewrite everything we posted there, to here in the next couple of days. However, I truly do not think that is enough. I think we should also redo our warning video. We made three of those that simply vanished when Foamers took down our original Voices For The Breeds page.
We use the word Foamer for the pit haters yet; railroad employees originally used Foamer in the slang term.
A term railroad employees use to describe a railroad enthusiast / railfan and the railfan community at large. Most often used disparagingly.
(Engineer to conductor aboard a freight train)
“Man, we got some foamers ahead taking pictures…they need to just get a life and find something to do besides hang around the tracks all day.”
Our term Foamer means something similar however, being that many people do not know our term we will define its meaning here.
A. a person who makes irrational statements about a voiceless animal such as the pit bull type dog
B. a person who simply cannot comprehend the irrefutable facts handed to them
C. a person who acts and judges without fully understanding the statistics
D. One who makes false statements, articles and other about a voiceless animal and or person
“He or She simply lost it, and foamed away with illogical rants about our dogs”
Foamer Logic 101: Class begins
Foamers compliment us by making a spoof page of our best friend’s Facebook page  Ignorance is Unbelievable.
I do need to point this out Mr. Foamer if you think no one reads the blogs anymore, prey tell how would you know about them moreover what has and is being said in those blogs… If “one” does not read said “blog”. (Psst, obviously you read them.) There is no such word as “Pitiot” however, it is the last name of a French designer named Roger Pitiot, so in retrospect you just gave her a compliment. hipam2
Foamers have taken to twitter just to stalk and to ultimately harass and attack those who own pit type dogs, say hello to Pamela Liner. Whose ignorance shows more than just hatred for dogs however, Muslims as well as those who follow the Islamic ways. I would like to point out to the Foamers; Pamela is not doing you any justice for your cause to eradicate our dogs. Especially when she spouts out radical irrational racial statements.hipam
Muslim or (Moslem) is a religion, Islam is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion the fact here is not all Muslims or Islamic people follow sharia anymore many of them have been protesting against said law since yes, it has caused horrific tragedies. However, I can neither confirm nor deny what you have stated to be true or untrue. I will simply leave it as is.
For you to lump every single Muslim and or Islamic person together is what you have been doing to our dogs. It is morally and ethically wrong. You then resort to calling everyone evil if they do not agree with you however, have you taken a step back and actually looked at what you have done? I call it Irony however, I’ll wait for you to catch up and see why I say Irony.
You are trying to rip our dogs away from us, those of us who have been responsible and in control of our dogs. How do you think it makes us feel when you Foamers do this? I hate to say this but; it is like losing a child or even a close relative. People and dogs over the centuries have formed bonds, breaking that bond between person and companion can lead to heartache and/or trauma.
Track* Paste* Lose* I think we can all agree from the twitter posts that you are a vile ignorant woman. For someone who assumes they have a higher intelligence than others do, surely cannot seem to spell the simplest of words. When insulting others please spell your words correctly otherwise you just look foolish.
Here we have the most easiest of Foamers as they gladly admit to sabotaging a book reading event, that was supposed have a pit bull named Everest there. (So you admit to threatening and terrorizing a library full of children.) Therefore, in reality you are actually the monsters, congratulations on given those children nightmares. Nine months and that is apparently your only greatest accomplishment or was it? You have actually accomplished nothing, as it would seem Everest is actually growing more followers and support because of what you have done. (Congratulations for making us pro pit advocates more united than ever.)
Olivia Wyatt again you fail to understand common sense and just like fail stream media you are off to the races. Twisting information and overreacting making it possible to push’s fear mongering further out to the public. We do not teach our children to hate nor do we teach them to be ignorant. We teach them love and compassion for all animal and/or human kind alike. We also teach them to defend themselves and speak up for what is right. We do not put animals before humans we keep everything equal here. Which is a concept Foamers fail to understand and this is why so much hate has been spread from them. You should take your own advice Olivia hatred is a killer after all, you said it yourself it is a proven fact. (Irony)
Why do Foamers attack a voiceless animal? Answer that and you will have your reason why we become mean spirited.
It is easy to be a keyboard warrior isn’t it? Bullying people online because you will never meet them in person. You feel secure behind your computers. You attack us daily, you also try to get us fired from jobs and banned from dog parks. You neither care nor regret any actions you have taken for the past eight years that has been in existence. You do not care either if your actions leads to us losing everything either and I can say the same for another particular group of people whom are doing the same thing.
Yet you also fail to realize, after the eight years of attacks from you the Foamers, we have become united, stronger while also more supportive of our pro advocates and or activists. Meaning you truly cannot simply divide or push us to that edge limit anymore, it surely hasn’t worked in the past so why continue?
Because all they care to do is lie and manipulate the public anyway possible to coerce the public into believing that all pit type dogs are evil and killing machines.
Slanders Wayne Pacelle while others claim we play the victim card. Therefore, when you do not agree with the CEO of HSUS you slander and lump us again together with other people. I assure you there is no victim card here; there is only factual based evidence of your harassment, lies and credible threats of violence toward our dogs and our children or future children. Remember who admitted to what up above about a reading event.
This is logic: If you do not agree with her, you are either crazy, a scammer, or you hate children and play the lovely victim card.
However,  Colleen Lynn whom has been playing the “Victim Card” For eight straight years, while changing her “attack” story approximately six times already. I think we call this hypocrisy.
This too shall pass as those signatures keep building on our petition. Enjoy the spotlight Colleen, it won’t be there forever it will crash soon.

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