Monday 29 September 2014 member has an auction member has an auction

Updated: June 11, 2014 promotes victim auction
On January 27, 2014 one of the supporters really outdid themselves in the tactless, heartless category.  A little girl by the name of Kara had recently died as the result of a dog attack.
They had already pushed the limits of respectability when they posted a “meme” on the pit bull propaganda machine using a picture they stole from a family members Facebook page.   Not wanting to be outdone, Joanie (Jaloney) Caldwell-Kenoshmeg came up with something that crossed so far over the border of decency she’ll never be able to come back.
An auction showed up on Ebay in the guise of raising money for  Not for the victims family but for Colleen Lynn.  One of the items offered was a doll.  A bloody doll. A bloody doll with a hand made sign (on cardboard) that said “Help I am a 4 yr old Angel killed by PIT BULLS  I am newsworthy Died January 17, 2014″
The listing included 3 items.  The cloth doll covered in blood, an angel ornament and a USED black tshirt.
The listing also included a description that worked the name of several news organizations and celebrities in it, usually done to help it rank higher in the search engine on EBay.  Because of this it also broke the terms of service for Ebay and was reported.
The listing was removed at least twice due to breaking the terms of Ebay but it kept coming back.  It was being altered with the names and News Station links removed.  Eventually the doll disappeared altogether.
Of course Colleen Lynn wasted no time sharing the “auction” on the Facebook page.  Especially since it was for the sole purpose of raising money for the group.  Colleen wasn’t going to miss a chance to get some money in her pocket.

One of the other well known pit bull haters, Lesley Karen Luscombe, questioned the auction when it was mentioned on another site and immediately tried to push the blame to the “pit nutters” who were obviously just trying to set the haters up to look bad.
This of course meant that the “nutters” had to find out who it really was and prove it.  So off a couple of them went to figure it out.  It ended up being exceptionally easy to figure out.
The auction was listed by a user named “csunbean”and was an account that was opened in 2002.  A quick google search found a user named “csunbean” at Huffington Post as well and the email address was tied into these and others.  Then it all came together.  A post was found on a message board on a website called from a user named “csunbean” and the post was signed “Joanie”

Another was found using the name csunbean from 2005 on a site called that told a story that was very familiar to people who know of Joanie.


Then a post was found on the Arizona Daily, also using the email address and signed Jaloney Caldwell
arizona daily
The final bit in the bloody doll auction was this email that was found, from January 2014 when Joanie had emailed Pasadena (a city she does NOT reside in) to try to support a potential pit bull spay/neuter law there.  Same email, signed Joan Caldwell.
When called out publicly for this disgusting display the auction disappeared.  A day or so later Lesley Karen Luscombe posted again, verifying what everyone already knew.  The person who posted this auction was one of their own.  Someone who showed absolutely NO regard for the family of a victim who had only been gone TEN DAYS before this was started.  And who did it ONLY to raise money for Colleen Lynn.
When your own side is absolutely appalled by your behavior there is a problem.
Since more than one person went after this child (it wasn’t Joanie who posted the meme) we have to wonder why they feel no limits to attack victims while constantly saying that pit bull supporters are doing just that when they discuss why a dog attacked and what could have been done to prevent it?

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